Common IT FAQs
Where are our servers based, and does this have any impact on any regulatory compliance?
All production data (servers and databases) are stored in physically secure data centres, in Europe-West-2.
Enterprise customers have an option to choose the location of data storage. Seal is able to base servers in any of the following GCP regions, including many in North America.
What system requirements do you recommend?
Seal is a web-based platform that requires a modern web browser.
For optimal user experience, we recommend using the latest version of Google Chrome.
Does each person have their own unique log-in ID?
Yes, each user is required to have their own log-in ID, which is tied to their email address.
For regulatory compliance, we do not recommend having shared Seal accounts.
Is Seal tablet friendly?
Yes! We have many customers who use tablets in their manufacturing and laboratory environments.
How accessible is Seal?
Seal follows the The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
Last updated