Change Sets
Last updated
Last updated
To review and publish any entities, it must go through a Change Set process.
A Change Set is a collection of drafts and related entities undergoing changes together. This ensures that related changes are grouped together, reviewed comprehensively, and published in sync.
Whenever a draft is created, it is automatically assigned to a change set. Click on 'Go to change set' to view the Change Set.
A Change Set can consist of one standalone entity, or multiple related entities. Add entities using the plus symbol. Note that submitted entities belong to the same change set as their parent entity.
Navigate between entities using the tabs at the top and adjust configurations as needed.
To review and publish any entity, it must go through a change set process.
All entities in the same change set are reviewed together — all review requirements from included entities are combined.
An approval is required for all review conditions before publishing. When a change set is approved, all included entities are published at the same time.
View all change sets from the tab on the left side bar.