Active Versions
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Active Versions allows users to control which version of an entity is considered "active" within the system.
An active version of an entity is one that is currently in use and is effective.
Users will always be pointed to the active version of an entity, in a reference field.
By default, an entity's active version is automatically latest published version ("Latest").
If necessary, users have the option to select a specific version as the active version, which will not automatically update when newer versions are published. In this case, the latest published version ≠ active version.
Note that active versions only apply to continuous entities, where the version number increases every time you publish a new version, e.g. v1 → v2 → v3.
Active versions do not apply to archived entities.
On the search page, users can decide what type of data to search:
Active Versions – this searches only the most recent published version of each entity (or a specific pinned version, if set).
Live Data – this is everything else, i.e. drafts, in-review versions, and published versions, and whatever is the most up-to-date state of each entity.